SOUTHILL Junior School was established in 1972 and caters for children from Junior infants up to second class.
It is located in Southill and is attended by many local children, who often start at age 3 by attending the preschool, which is on the same grounds. foto by Keith Wiseman www.kwisemanphoto.ie
While both schools are separately run, a strong bond has been created to ensure the continuation of children attending them.
The school has a thriving enrollment, which principle Marion Tobin puts down to the “fantastic partnership between children, parents, teachers and staff”.
School benefits from the US choral fund raising trip
SOUTHILL Junior School was recently the lucky recipient of $5000 raised by the Adare-based Holy Trinity Choir on a fund-raising trip to Boston in America.

The trip was organized by Bostonian Billy Higgins, who first visited Southill in 1985 when his daughter Andrea was in Ireland competing in the Shamrock Games.
Mr. Higgins was so touched by the community that he pledged never to forget it and in 1986, took a choir of 96 local children to Boston on the first of several fundraising trips. foto by Keith Wiseman
The founder of the Holy Trinity Choir, Tracy Fitzgerald (nee Boylan) was on the trip and recently appeared at all the venues she did then with the choir raising $20,000 to be split between Boston schools, Adare schools and Southill Junior School.
The money raised will “go directly to the kids” and will be used specifically to provide extra The trend right now is that you should locate different kinds of casino games free that are available by a selection of sites, all in line with their quest to draw more online players. curricular activities, field trips and equipment as necessary for the pupils at Southill Junior Sch

A Lively schedule in classroom and extra-curricular
THERE is a lively and very schedule of in school and extra curricular activities on offer at Southill Jr School. foto by Keith Wiseman
Despite its young population, the school has gotten three Green Flags and was recently honored at a Civic Reception with Mayor John Gilligan for this achievement.
It has an active committee and its motto is “Keep our school clean, was proud to be green!”.
Second-class pupils will go swimming all year round this year, greatly improving their swimming skills, and Tommy Barrett of Limerick 37 coaches the kids at soccer.
The ‘My Gym’ initiative runs in the school every week.
The school has a healthy eating policy and a very active home school liason program which runs classes for parents and a family IT class focusing on the Internet.
Pupils also benefit from music therapy in association with the Blue Box Creative Learning Center.
Another ongoing project between parents and children involves making up story sacks or kits to bring a story to life and these will be donated to the school when finished.
Southill Junior School also has a number of special events and outings every year.
Visit the Southill Junior School’s Website: